
  • Wake up, Neo…

    Wake up, Neo…

    We’re not building Skynet; We’re building The Matrix. Whoever thought it would be a good idea to release Artificial Intelligence to the masses without incorporating the three laws of robotics, needs to be held accountable. Did none of these people read any Isaac Asimov? Or Arthur C. Clarke? Or William Gibson? Of course, the 3… Continue reading

  • Making It

    Making It

    For years, I have been saying, “You know, if I had a 3D printer, I’d just make that,” while pointing at some small broken thing I can’t find a replacement for. There are game pieces I have needed to replace and can never find. There are simple plastic holders and fasteners that should only cost… Continue reading

  • A KumoMTA Installer

    A KumoMTA Installer

    Many of my readers will already know that I have recently been deeply involved in the KumoMTA project. This can help to explain the lack of posts here in the last 2 months, but that cannot be an excuse to not update this blog so I want to share a side project here that is… Continue reading

  • Free Software, Open Source and why you should tip your waiter.

    Free Software, Open Source and why you should tip your waiter.

    There is a long-standing debate that goes back to at least the mid-1990s around the difference between “freeware” and “open source” software. Both camps in this debate have generally agreed to separate these with the ideas of “free as in beer” and “free as in speech”. Lately, I have been acutely aware that there seem… Continue reading

  • Starting something new-ish

    Starting something new-ish

    A few months ago, I was reminiscing about my early experiences learning computer science and was celebrating an odd anniversary. Back in September, when I wrote that, I had yet to know I would be exploring new employment options only 60 days later. It seems too cliche to say, “Everything happens for a reason,” but having spent… Continue reading

  • New blog space

    New blog space

    In the past 90 days, I have done work in at least six languages (Python, Go, PHP, Rust, C#, Javascript) on ten Operating Systems (SUSE, Red Hat, CentOS, Rocky, Alma, Ubuntu, Rasberry Pi OS, Debian, Windows and MacOS). I have Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and X-Bee components and glue spread over my desk and I want… Continue reading


This is a place to explore interesting technology and share ideas. You can visit the social and main web sites for Aasland Technologies using the links below.

The less technical alternate blog is at TheBleedingEdge.ca
